Wolves of Harmony Heights available WIDE
Things always take longer than I hope they will, but this is pretty extended even for me! Finally, Wolves of Harmony Heights is available WIDE which means it can now be purchased at most major online book sellers, not just Amazon. It was already wide for a few months in there, but I pulled it and put it back on Amazon exclusively while I figured some back-end things out. I decided to switch to Draft2Digital as my primary distributor and it’s working out well for me. Check out the book’s homepage for all the links!
Next up, it will be available as a HARD COPY PRINTED BOOK that you will have to pay $$$$ for because it will be thick as hell, omg, I am never ever writing a book this long again holy shit! Also, I’ll get it up on Google Books this week as well (which is a completely separate process than everything else, of course it is).