So yeah, it’s been a YEAR since I released Dragon’s Grail: Escape from Ice Mountain. It’s the first of a series so…what happened?
No, the plan was never to write “a novella a year”! In fact I had hoped to put out a novella every 6 weeks or so. We see how well that went…
Those who follow me on other social networking platforms have heard me allude to my “involuntary year off” and how I “hit a wall” and just stopped. Stopped everything short of going to work, walking the dog, and therapy. You know, down to the basics.
It was definitely unplanned, but it was also unavoidable. The reasons were varied and, mostly, internal. I try to be kind to myself but truth be told, I am angry about not getting any books written or published over the course of that year. I’ve done this too many times to be sympathetic or generous with myself about it.
But that is why I took it seriously, sat my butt down in therapy, and worked through my shit. I’m sick and tired of the self-sabotage that I have enacted against myself and my dreams every time it looks like there is a breakthrough. It’s trite to say that I’m scared of success, and it’s also wrong; but I have spent many years being scared of being “seen” outside of the exclusive enclave of “people I know and like” and being scared of the responsibilities that success would demand (money management, for one; being poor sucks donkey balls and stresses me out but HEY IT SURE IS EASY not to spend money when you don’t have it).
As I sit here writing this, I wonder: am I back? Have I “found” myself? Is this the start of something great?
I hope so. Of course it remains to be seen, and while my past has set out a script for me, I want my future to be unscripted and glorious in ways it has never been before. I don’t want to make my regrets the limits of my future.
So then.
Dragon’s Grail #2: The Lost City will be released in about a month. Here we go!